Запрошення до участі в конференції (м. Лодзь, Польська республіка)

Академія гуманітарних наук і економіки в Лодзі запрошує до участі в науковій конференції в галузі економіки на тему: «Корпоративна соціальна відповідальність та сталий розвиток мікро і малих підприємств»


Ladies and gentlemen,

We invite you to participate in a scientific conference organized by the Academy of Humanities and Economics in Łódź, in the field of economics.

The theme of the conference is

Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development in micro and small enterprises.

The conference is organized as part of the project ISORESS – Promoting the idea of Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development in small and micro enterprises, financed from the Erasmus+ program, project number 2017-1-PL01-KA202-038501.


 Participation in the conference is free and includes dinner, coffee break, materials, costs connected with the organization of the conference (without travel and accommodation of Participants) and publishing.

Due to the limited number of places, the subject and scope of the submitted abstracts are decisive as well as the order of applications.